Monday, June 24, 2013
Staying in the Utah Salt Lake Mission
So its official, Sister Adorable will be staying in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. That means the end of her mission stays the same. She will be released in December 2013. here's her email today 6/24/13. The pictures above are from service projects from previous weeks.
you seriously write the best letters! haha miss you! Im glad that you enjoyed those pics of me, yup ive been running haha. I have to eat so much so thats what ive been trying to do to balance that out. The wedding for America and Jose went sooo well, they were so cute and happy! And jose got baptized on saturday :) it was a perfect baptismal service! haha sorry i should have explained what a district was to you sooner! I love the people in my new district! Elder Verges (my really good friend now from Argentina) stayed with me and is training 2 elders. Elder Tapia is from florida but his mom is from Puerta Rico and his dad is from Honduras. He is a recent convert and the only member in his family, hes great! The other elder is Elder Woods... ok so picture this..the guy from the best two years, the nerdy new it? well thats him haha. soooo funny. I was being nice to him last week because he is super insecure with his spanish. well he thought that i was checking him out!!! haha sooooo funny. about living with sister ray, im still not sure. ill try to get that figured out within the next few weeks.
mom, you are such a great member missionary! such a strong example to me always. Im excited for where things are going with Naoko. im glad that things at the office arent as stressful, i have been praying for that. im glad that tasha is having fun with her new group of friends! Wow paolo getting taller :) good! Yesterday at church someone played that duet taht amanda and pao played, my heavenly father loves me... i cried a lot haha. miss them :) i got a letter from mandy this week and sounds like she is doing great. i also got your letters but just today because i moved houses on wednesday. now we live with a member in her basement, it is like a mansion and is soooo cute! i love it! I will be living here for a while too :) sooo im staying in the salt lake city mission officially which means that i dont finish until December 4 :) I miss you a ton mom and cant wait to see you! ill try to write a letter this week. love you!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Mission Splitting!
Utah Salt Lake City Mission will be split and depending on the transfer last wednesday, we will find out if Sister Adorable will be assigned to the East or South Mission. This will affect her last day at the mission.
She sent a few pictures which I will be posting in the next few days.
Love Layton!
I know that you always say that im strong but you are so strong mom. having 2 missionaries (maybe 3 soon?) out at the same time is hard but you are so supportive and I love hearing about your missionary stories. I am not surprised at all about amanda and the boys haha. she is beautiful so its no shock to me :)
My last actual day in the mission is December 4. you should come fly out the sunday before so you can come to church with me. I want to stay here on december 4 through the night and we will go see my members, recent converts and investigators so maybe book the flight back for the day after (dec 5). I cant believe you are buying that flight already haha, i still feel like i just got here. I love the mission, its everything to me.
I love layton! its seriously the promised land of the mission. President and Sister Winn leave in 2 weeks :( im going to miss them a lot but i know that president and sister hansen will be great too. i think that we are going to meet them on wednesday at transfers.
Love you and miss you lots
Hey Dad...for Father's Day
I hope that you had a good fathers day. the food sounds great! Im glad that tash's party went well. Im bummed that we wont be able to go on the cruise when i get back haha, i was looking forward to that but thats ok. Yeah south america would be cool too. I have a ton of friends from there now from the mission and it will be summer there.
Im doing well, i got a call from president today that im training again. She is the only spanish sister that is coming into the mission. its the winns last few weeks with us too so everyone has just been a little bit sad about that. other than that things are good. dad, check out this video on called "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father". its awesome. Love you
Dont Worry..Be happy!
Sister Rinna Adorable was assuring me, her mom, that Sister Amanda Adorable will be okay as she prepares at the MTC for her mission to Atlanta.
As I prepare to take over the blog, she assures me everything will be okay!
Mom, good job on amanda's blog! its soo cute! She is doing so great and im so excited for her to enter the field this week :) Love you
Hermana Adorable
Hola Familia!
Thanks for the letters! I havent gotten the package yet but im sure its coming soon. Im so sad that i didnt get to hear from amanda, she said that she is going to send me a letter though. Im glad that she is doing well and that she likes her companion. Ive been praying that she will get a good trainer this week. Tash, who's brian? and why havent i heard about him?? haha
Lets see this past week was a little bit crazy! nothing too exciting to mention but it just was super busy and went by really fast. Story: Sister Cleveland told us that one of our investigators needed our help on Friday. So we planned on going over to help him. His name is Larry Lope. So i asked sister cleveland how many people needed to go and how long it would take. We took our district of 8 people and she told me that it would only take 10 minutes. We started at 11 and ended 10 minutes before 5 haha. We leveled the ground in Larry's backyard and laid down sod! It was a lot of work and so much fun! but i never want to do that again haha. The whole time Larry just kept saying "I dont know how i will ever be able to repay you" and we just kept thinking "no worries, when youre baptized in a few weeks well call it even" :) They are such a great family though, we loved helping them out. They actually remind me a lot of you and dad. Larry is super open but his wife Inez is super catholic and doesnt really want to hear anything from us. Advice mom? what did the missionaries do that helped soften your heart and have the desire to change?
Saturday we helped one of our other investigators (angie) move houses. wayyy easier than laying down sod haha. it was fun! Yesterday we tried to transition one of our current investigators Mark to the YSA ward. He really really likes Hna Walker haha. So we took him to the YSA ward, it was weird being there. I definitely like the family ward better :) But i think that he liked it so that should be good and the elders will start teaching him.
This upcoming week is going to be even crazier. Right now i have 3 comps. On wednesday Sister Arias goes back to temple square because she is done with her outbound mission here. Monday my 2 visa waiter companions go to Argentina. So Ill be with the english sisters for two days and then get a new companion on Wedesday. On Friday America and Jose are getting married! We are so excited for them and then Jose gets baptized on Saturday at 1 :) They are such a great couple and we are excited that they are taking these steps.
I think thats pretty much all from this week. I have a ton of pics for you though so enjoy! Love you!
Hermana Adorable
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Can you believe its June?!!!!
Hola Familia!
Mom! I cant believe someone broke into your car! So sorry that happened :( Haha Im not surprised at all that it was hard when Amanda left on her mission. It wont get any easier when Tash and Pao go either. Yeah its crazy that its already June! I really dont know when that happened, it was really just January haha.
Tasha's grad party will be fun! Awww Pao and his first stake dance :) cute!! I cant wait to hear him play the piano again :) The journal sounds great! Thanks! Also YES I got the money, thanks sooooo much :)) it was an exciting surprise :) Amanda looks so cute!!!!!! Sister Adorable is going to be a wonderful missionary!
This past week was good but it was a tough one. We were working so hard this whole week to help our investigator Maria prepare for her baptism on sunday night but in the end she decided that she was not going to get baptized yet. We were super bummed but still were able to feel a confirmation that we really had done everything that we needed to and that Heavenly Father was still proud of us. We had a really cool experience though. My comp has been attacked by bugs and has a ton of bites. There was one on her arm and it was swelling and spreading so we took her to the doctor. The nurse that took us back is a less active member that we had been trying to contact for a long time. She has 2 unbaptized daughters. So Tasha, the less active member, was our nurse! It was crazy because she never works in instacare. She was just assigned to work there for that day. She was supposed to be getting married soon. She started talking to us, she recognized us because we sang in church on sunday. She invited us to her wedding and then we met her daughters there so now we are going to start teaching them and they want to get baptized! It was a wonderful miracle.
On tuesday we had a special meeting with just the sisters in the mission. It was really cool. I thought that they were just going to talk a lot about how there are a ton of sisters coming into the mission and about sister leadership positions buuut it wasnt at all. we just talked a lot about motherhood. we talked a lot about how we are going to be the mothers of the children that are going to usher in the coming of the Savior. sooo cool right? they talked a lot about how the Lord needed us to come on missions not only to help his children come unto Him through baptism but also that He needed us to come on mission because it is the best preparation for us to be the mothers of these valiant and noble children. then we all had pedicures and a catered dinner :) it was fun!
Inline image 1
We just found out this past week that my 2 visa waiter companions now have their visas so they are leaving on the 17th. My other companion is a temple square assigned missionary that was doing her outbound here in salt lake. She goes back to temple square next wednesday. Then the week after that is transfers! So crazy. I love this area, it really is the promised land of the mission. I think that my body is starting to die a little bit though ahah, on pday we just sleep until we have to go out and work again. I love this mission and being able to be a part of this work, its the best ever!
Inline image 2 Inline image 3
Sister Walker and Sister Cleveland (my favorite VISA waiters )
Love you so much and hope that you have a good week!
Hermana Adorable
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Transfers: Layton and a New Companion
Hola familia!
Sooo this week was crazy! Transfers were on Wednesday and they moved me to Layton. I absolutely love this area! The ward is huge and everyone is so great. I love love love my companion Sister Walker. She is great, she is a really hard worker and really wants to be here. We live a little bit out of the area in Kaysville but its not too far of a drive. Sister Walker and I are in a car. The other two sisters are on bikes. There are 8 missionaries serving in this ward with me! crazy huh? 4 of them are waiting for visas for argentina. Wednesday was my first day in the area. It was raining super hard. I am the only person with driving privileges in my companionship and we were trying to get to know the area. Well i got pulled over by the police ha. He wasnt very nice, he pulled 3 people over right after me. Also i dont think it helped that he didnt really like missionaries that much. sad. Saturday night there was a ward talent show. It was super good and cute but wayy long. Sister Walker and I sang in the show because they reserved a spot for the missionaries to do something, so we just put something together quickly. Yesterday was soo great to be able to talk to you all! Paolo has gotten so tall and soo good at the piano. I want a CD of him playing things like that :) Tash will have fun at prom! Im so excited that Amandas going into the MTC! Since the Slays dooo live in my area, you should take a trip through Layton before he drives you there...just an idea ;) Something that i ate yesterday was no bueno...feeling kinda sick today. Sister Walker feels sick too. Anyway im so excited to be here! Love you all and hope that you have a good week!
Hermana Adorable
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
End of a Transfer, Baptisms, Hiking Ensign Peak, and Going to the Temple
Hola familia!
Im so excited that i get to see all of you on sunday!! Still have no idea whos house and at what time but will call you later in the week once i get that figured out in my new area.
This past week was sooooo awesome! We worked so hard and saw so many miracles. We put a family of 4 on date to be baptized on June 1st :) Later that night we were planning and trying to figure out how we were going to get more people to church on sunday and right when i said that, someone from an english ward called us and said that he met someone that wants to go to church on sunday! It was such a testimony builder to me that Heavenly Father really is helping us in His work. So we set up an appointment with this brother and his wife to meet Adriana at her work. We went over the next day and she was solid! So excited to come to church. Later we chatted with the brother and sister and their daughter married a Filipino guy. Hes from Manila too. He said he was a famous child actor in a movie called Magic Temple? Do you know who im talking about?? Anyway that was a really cool experience this week.
BEST THING OF THE WEEK: Mery Bustamante got baptized yesterday!! Sister Harris and I started out teaching her back in November and she knew everything but just didnt feel like it was her time. Sister Nesbit and I started teaching her again last transfer and she finally felt a confirmation that this is her time to be baptized. Last sunday we were bummed because she told us that she was going to have to move her date (originally on april 20) because her grandson had a chuck e cheese bday party. BUT she was solid yesterday and was so excited to get baptized even though she was super sick with a cold. Somehow after her baptism her cold was pretty much gone. way cool. She asked me to sing at her baptism too so that was special and a great way to end the weekend here.
Today we hiked Mt Ensign with half of the mission and it was so fun! I was dying ha but it was good and the view was beautiful. President Winn said something cool at the top. He said, " The Lord could have sent you anywhere; Africa, Asia, South America, Russia. But instead, he sent those people to you here. THink about how special you all are to have to privilege to teach all of those brothers and sisters from all around the world right here in Salt Lake City" Sooo cool :) I love love this mission!
The hike was super steep but fun :) and the weather was great :) All of that was great but probably the most rewarding thing that happened this week is that my comp came up to me and told me that she now wants to be here and be a missionary! I was sooo excited! Well i think thats about all for this week! Love you all and miss you! SOOO Excited to see you on sunday! :) (ps sometime at night will probably be best after church and meetings )
Have a great week!
Hermana Adorable

Monday, April 29, 2013
Prepared People, Dates, Black Heels and Transfers
This past week was really good. We were blessed and found 6 new people to teach in our area! So excited about that. We were walking down the street on Friday and saw 3 little kids sitting outside so we went and talked with them. They had a hard time responding to us so i asked them if they spoke a different language, they said yes..spanish! So we started chatting with them in spanish and asked them if their mom was home. They took us right to the front door and brought their mom out to talk to us. We taught her a little bit and then asked her when we could come back and teach her more. We set up an appointment for wednesday. We invited her to be baptized and she said that she has actually had a lot of doubts about the Catholic church. She is so prepared! Her names Lorena. We asked her kids what their names and ages were. Alma's 11 :) Christians 8 :) and Ruby is 3 :) I am so excited to be teaching them.
Remember that miracle baptism that we had last week? Emanuel? Well heres a funny story for you. First off, i never really talked to him that much because he wouldnt listen to anything i said ha buut anyway. He ended up asking me on a date last week...awkward ha. I said no of course but tried to do so tactfully. Then we went over on thursday to try and get his size for a white shirt. While we were there he randomly started talking about shoe sizes. Then he asked me what shoe size i was so i told him. Then he went into his room and brought out these black high heels. (not my style). Then he said that he had bought them for his aunt for christmas but that they didnt fit her so he thought to give them to me. I tried to leave them but he insisted so i took them and figured that i could just give them to an investigator or something like that. Later that night. He calls me and said you know how i told you i got those shoes for my aunt...well i didnt i got them for you. So awkward haha. Then he somehow found out that im being transferred and was super upset about it. It was just weird haha.
This week we have a baptism on Sunday! So excited for that. She was scheduled for tomorrow but her grandson has a bday party at chuck e cheese so they changed it yesterday. She is so cute and really prepared! Ill send pictures next week.
I heard that im being transferred for sure. I saw it coming because ive been here for a while. I sang at sacrament meeting yesterday and then they had me bear my testimony. i cried a lot ha but i love this branch so much. Its crazy to think that may starts this week. Rumor has it that im going to Layton. Ill let you know for sure when i find out. If youre planning on sending me anything at the Dorie house, its gotta be this week. If its after then just send it to the mission office :)
MOTHERS DAY: sooo since i am being transferred, i have no idea where ill skype or if ill get to :( As soon as i get into that area, ill try to find a place to do it and ill let you know the details when i figure it out :)
Thats so excited that amanda is going into the MTC in a month! Thatll also be my year mark! Amanda will love it so much, the mission is the best! So much work but so rewarding and fun. I hope that you have a wonderful week! Love you and miss you all! (Ill send pictures next week)
Sister Adorable
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Conference Weekend!
Hola Familia!
Thanks so much for the birthday package! I loved it, i really like the skirt and dress that you sent me. Haha no worries, they fit. I actually havent gained weight miraculously. The shoes fit, thanks!
I was so excited to hear about Naoko! Thats so exciting that she is getting baptized on May 11. It was a cool story to read. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you are going to be traveling quite a bit mom, suerte. Wish that i could be there when amanda goes through the temple! But I did get permission to go to lunch with her and see her this weekend at conference :) Sooo excited!
Tash will have fun at mormon prom im sure. Thats exciting that christians going to korea! I get so excited when i hear about peoples mission calls. wow, the taylors are moving?
Things are going well. This past week was actually really good. We really felt like Heavenly Father was guiding us a lot. On Wednesday we went and tried to visit a family in our branch that i didnt know. We stopped at their address but it was a fourplex and we didnt have an apartment number for this family so we knocked on them all. We found this lady, Xochil and she was really nice. She and her family are going to an english ward but she doesnt speak english so were going to try and see if we can get her to come with us to the spanish branch. She has a daughter whos friends with a less active girl that weve been trying to find for weeks (Jummey). So when we visited her we found out that Jummeys living with them now. We also found out the Jummey is pregnant so that was super sad for us but we will keep working with her to try to get her to come back to church. BUT the really cool thing was that on the way back to the car (we parked in a random neighborhood) this guy was unloading some things from his car. When he saw us he yelled over and said, "Hey SISTERS!" So we went over and talked to him. He was so excited to see us. Well he had just come back from dropping his daughter off at the MTC. He and his wife invited us in and we could tell that it was super comforting for them to be chatting with some sisters. We asked them how they were doing and they both just started crying. It was cute because they have a daughter serving in Poland and the one that they just dropped off is going to Armenia and it just made me think about you and dad when amanda leaves and youll have 2 missionaries out too. it was cool though because we knew that we had been sent there to comfort them a little bit. Also before we left they gave us a name of a family that we could visit :)
Were still working with the Cuenca Family. We found them a few weeks ago and found out that they were going to the Millcreek ward but they are in our Branch boundaries. We invited them to come to church on Sunday and they said that they would try out sacrament meeting in our branch and see how they feel. They came! Another cool thing about having my birthday on sunday was that we got a ton of people to come to church! :)
Sunday was really fun. I love this area and the people in the branch. I felt super loved and they took good care of me. I ate sooooo much food yesterday. really, its a miracle i could walk today ha. (Enchiladas, cuban food, talapia and vegetables, cake cake cake) It was a really good week. This upcoming week we are just preparing everyone for conference! I love this time of the year! We have at least one investigator coming with us to every session so thatll be great! Im also so excited that i get to see amanda and spend some time with her between sessions.
I hope you got my letter that i sent you last week mom, about the eye exam? anyway I have to go in next monday to do it. Hope that you have a great week and enjoy conference! Love you and miss you!
SIster Adorable

A Week Full of Miracles
This week was full of miracles! The Lord is really blessing us for our hard work. REmember how we are teaching a guy named Libio? Well remember how he had that nephew Manuel who really didnt want anything to do with us? Welll people change. He never wanted to take the lessons or anything but he always wanted to come with us to church and conference and everything. Welll we went over on Thursday just to visit him and after we left he ran out after us and said, "Sisters, Sisters!! Can i get baptized after i come to church one more time?" IT was soooo cool!! Best experience to have someone come to you and ask to get baptized! We hope that his baptism will happen this weekend!
On Thursday Mery had her baptismal interview. She passed and is ready to get baptized. She said that she had been praying really hard and knows that she is supposed to get baptized on April 30. Its a tuesday but well make it happen :) We took her to Temple Square on Saturday and it was one of the most amazing lessons ive ever had there. She cried the entire time and really could feel the spirit and recognize it there. We are so excited for her.
Thats about all for this week. Love you all and hope that you have a good week!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Second Talk, Conference and Birthday Parties
This week was pretty good! We found a new family of five this week! We are so excited to be teaching them. They're the Cuenca Family from Mexico. Super sweet family. Theyre coming to mutual this week to see what it is like and then we have a lesson with them on Thursday.
Libio, one of our investigators, came to church on sunday! he loved it :) Sister Nesbit and I also spoke at church on sunday. it was the first talk ive given since my first transfer, the times gone by soo fast.
This week is transfers but only those that are being transferred are going to the meeting so i probably wont be there. Im pretty sure im staying in the area with sister nesbit. Im so excited for conference though! Its going to be sooo good! i think that conference is kind of like christmas for the missionaries ha, i love it!
Sunday one of my favorite families invited us over to throw me a birthday party :) sooo ill be having delicious cuban food on my birthday :) Other than that nothing else is really is going on. I hope you all have a great week! Love you!
Sister Adorable
Monday, March 18, 2013
Random Walks Can be Rewarding
Hola Familia!
This past week we ran into a few challenges with the people that we are teaching. Roberto and Giovanni cant meet with us for a while so that was a bummer for us but well see if we can still get them to come to mutual and general conference with us. Were teaching this guy named Libio, he is awesome! Super prepared so we are working with him right now. One of our investigators Jennifer just had a baby so well stop by later on. Tuesday was leadership training and it was super good! Wednesday was pretty good too, nothing too exciting to report though. Thursday we had a delicious enchilada dinner. Super funny because my comp doesnt eat spicy food so Catalina made me super spicy enchiladas and gave my comp some that werent spicy at all. We also went and contacted a less active Jeanette that has a son that isnt baptized. She was really nice and we have an appointment with her tomorrow. Friday was good. We went and visited Yolanda Hernandez and she wasnt home. I felt like we should just randomly walk down her street. we got to the end of the street and turned around to head back when all of a sudden Yolanda and her kids come driving down that same road. They honked and asked us to come over. way cool. then we went and saw noemi, shes doing well. she is super funny. Saturday we did exchanges and i was with my friend sister druker. She is a temple square sister but she was doing her outbound mission here. She goes back to temple square on wednesday so it was really nice to serve with her. Hope paolo had a good birthday! SUnday was good. I found out that one of my friends that was serving in washington dc goes to one of the wards taht i serve in and that she gets back on wednesday, ill probably see her at some point ha THere was a stake fireside so we went to that and it was pretty good. Thats about all i have for this week. Hope you are all doing well! Have a great week! Love you!
Sister Adorable
Monday, March 11, 2013
Former Jehovah's Witness and Baptisms
This week was pretty good. We got a sister referral on Monday so that was a huge blessing for us. Her name is Valerie and she is a 60-year old former Jehovah's Witness. She is really interested in the church. Its in english so its a little bit different than what im used to but still way cool. Wednesday night we had a really good lesson with a new person, Libio. His wife was taught by the missionaries in the past but now she doesnt want anything to do with them. Libio is a really great guy and wants to learn more, we're going back in a few days. Thursday we had a really good lesson with Monica! Sooo good! We read a scripture with her and she really opened up to us. She says that she is starting her divorce this week and that she has almost sold her shop at the swamp meet and that she wants to come to church. We were super excited for her. Saturday we went to temple square with valerie. We had some really great temple square sisters there with us. It was a really good lesson. She didnt say much but she really felt the spirit. Later that night we went over to Roberto and Giovanni's with Jorge. It was a really good lesson. They are so ready to get baptized! Just working with them so that they have the desire. We're thinking that we'll take another temple square trip this weekend. Sunday was good. That night we went and visited one of my favorite less active families (the Toledos) when we stopped by they were so excited to see us! They told me that theyve been going to church again consistently :) I was so happy when they told me that! That was pretty much my week this week. This week we have leadership training so ill be there on tuesday and wednesday. Other than that nothing else too exciting. Hope you all have a great week! Love you and miss you!!
Sister Adorable
Monday, March 4, 2013
More Miracles
Hola Familia!
I guess for my birthday maybe solid colored skirts that are easy to match? Thatd be good. The companionship is better and we are doing work. Thanks for your encouraging emails this week :)
This week was alright. we saw some cool miracles. Yolanda, one of our Recent converts, decided to quit her job so that she could go to church on sundays. way cool! Her boys want to get baptized, probably sometime around the end of march. We have been working a lot on finding new people to teach this week. We went through all of the investigators that had been visited by missionaries before and contacted them. We knocked on one door and they said that they really werent interested so we asked them if there was anyone that they knew that might be. She pointed across the hall. We knocked on the door and a lady named Refugio answered the door. We shared a short message with her and asked her if there was a time that we could come back. She said friday at 7 but that she didnt live there, she actually lived somewhere else. We came back on friday and had an amazing lesson on the restoration. She really opened up to us. We invited her to be baptized and she readily accepted. It was such a blessing and a miracle. Thats about all i have for this week. I love you and miss you all!
Sister Adorable
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Training :)
Congrats on the call mandy! Im so excited for you, i think everyone in the salt lake mission now knows where youre going ha. Tash, super proud of you. Ill try to send a letter out today. Glad your talks went well mom and dad.
This week was ok. Sister Harris finished her mission and went home. I am now training a new missionary, Sister Nesbit. Shes from new jersey. THis week we focused more on finding new people to teach. We contacted almost all of the formers and set up some return appointments for this week. Roberto and Giovanni (yolanda's kids) were on date but we went over towards the end of last week and they said that they felt really pressured and didnt want to get baptized yet so were just backing off a little bit. The branch president gave us a list of 10 people that he wants us to visit so well go and do that this week.
Driving-not so fun in the snow but were being careful and weve been fine. We had interviews with president on Friday and thats always good. He told me that ill be here in the area until May 8 so i can finish training sister nesbit. Oh to answer your question, i dont know what i want for my birthday. Im sure that anything that you send me ill love :) Other than that theres nothing really new going on here. Hope you all have a great week. I love you!
Sister Adorable
Monday, February 11, 2013
Happy Valentines Day
Hola Familia!
Thanks for the Lumpia mom-super good! Did you have a chance to go get my MVR from the DMV? I really really need that this week because transfers are coming up. If you could send it to the Dorie apartment that would be great :)
THis past week was pretty good. We finally set a date for Yolanda to get baptized! Itll be this saturday at noon so we are really excited for that. When we were teaching her the only problem that she had was that she really really likes her coffee. There is a coffee substitute that they sell in the store so hna harris and i got her some of that. Last week she said that she was doing well with the coffee substitute and she let us take away her coffee:
So we poured it all down the sink :) She is so excited for her baptism!
This week we had our last district meeting:
We had a really cool miracle happen last night. We have been having a hard time finding new people to teach for a while now but weve been working hard and doing everything that we can so that we can find them. Last night we were driving to our last appointment of the night and we ran into the english sisters that serve in our area. They asked us what we had going on Monday at 8 and we said nothing yet. Then they told us that they had found a family of 3 who just moved into our area. Theyve already read half of the Book of Mormon and have been to Temple Square. They love the Joseph Smith Restoration movie and want to come to church. We are so excited to go teach them tonight!
Also this week we started volunteering at an assisted living home this week and they had us decorate for Valentines Day:
Hope you have a great Valentines Day this week! Love you all!
Sister Adorable
Monday, February 4, 2013
No more Wisdom Teeth
Hola Familia!
Thanks for the package mom, it was super timely. The surgery went well and im doing fine. I dont really remember thursday or friday very much and i stopped taking the other pain killer because i was way too loopy. I almost dont hurt at all its just my bottom left side. I have a followup appointment on wednesday. Im soo excited for the food you sent!
This past week was alright. I was home a lot towards the end of the week recovering and resting so nothing too exciting to report. We were supposed to have a baptism on Friday night (Yolanda) but she called us on thursday night crying because her boss wouldnt give her the night off to get baptized. She was so sad and said that she had had a dream that night about it too. She said she is going to quit and wants to get baptized this weekend :) Also on Sunday Ernesto blessed the sacrament!! We were so nervous because he does not read well and we were afraid that he was going to have to do it a lot of times but he didnt! He read it perfectly. Also i translated in sacrament meeting this week. First time, kinda scary but not as hard as i thought it was going to be.
zone conference
SNOW STORM last sunday!!
Church History Field Trip this morning! (Look no BOOT :)
Well thats about all for this week. I hope you have a great week! Love you!
Sister Adorable
Monday, January 28, 2013
Losing her Wisdom and a snow storm
Hola familia!
It looks like you had a great time in New York! Thanks for the pictures :) To answer your questions: Yes send them to 3629 s 900 e #4 SLC UT 84106 and sour sauce sounds good! Eye exam- yeah i can probably do that in the next few weeks. Wow mandys been coming home every month? thats crazy but cool. Ill send you some things in a letter for your talk, i have to think about it. Yes please please send the drivers thing to the mission office asap so i can drive when i get my boot off this week. Wisdom teeth yes they still hurt so I have an appointment on wednesday afternoon. Well buy jello and soft stuff today so we have some in supply. Thats so cool about katies call!! tell her congrats for me (ill want her address too when she leaves)
We had a good week. We are seeing so many miracles. The members are starting to see how closely we need to work together to be able to find prepared people to teach. We had 3 members call us this week that we dont know inviting us to come over and teach some of their friends, it was a huge blessing especially since we have been struggling with that a little bit. We just got a huge snow storm yesterday! Soooo much snowww. It was super dangerous so everyone in the mission had to park the cars. We have such nice neighbors, they clean our driveway and car everyday. This upcoming week is going to be pretty busy. I get my wisdom teeth out on wednesday. Friday the boot comes off!! finally :) and we have a baptism that night. Yolanda is so great. She is the aunt of Ernesto (one of our recent converts). She has gone through a lot and is so excited to get baptized and make this change in her life. And ernesto is going to be able to baptize her. Ill send pictures next week. Its crazy to think that we are starting February soon! Everything else is going well. Hope you have a good week! Love you all!
Sister Adorable
Wisdom Teeth Blues and Sign Language
Hola Familia!
So cool that you are in NY right now! Send me pictures please :) So as far as the wisdom teeth go, Im not sure what to do on that. I have been ok this week and they really havent been hurting me, its just a little bit of pressure on the top ones but i dont know. Ill let you know more about that in my letter this week. Thanks for the cute card that you sent me this week :) The boot comes off Feb 1 so im really excited about that!!!
This past week was good. We had an amazing lesson with Yolanda and her two sons at temple square this week. She really was able to recognize the spirit so strongly. She was touched by the things that she was able to see and feel there. We also took her to see the temple model and she wants to prepare to be sealed to her family in the temple in a year. She is amazingly prepared and we are so excited for the progress that she is making. She and her two sons committed to be baptized on Feb 1st!!! The best part is that her nephew Ernesto who just got baptized is getting the priesthood on sunday so he will be able to baptize them all :) Sooo exciting!
We have zone conference on Thursday so we have been studying and prepping for that, it should be good so i should have a ton of cool things to share next week.
Something cool this week: So in our stake we have our spanish branch , a japanese branch and a deaf ward. So this week was ward conference and the relief society president is from the deaf ward. Soo she was teaching the lesson (signing the whole thing) and there was an interpreter. So she was signing the lesson in english and the interpreter was translating her signs into spanish, it was so cool. Her lesson was talking about the Doctrine of Christ ( Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the End). So she said that she would teach us something cool with our hands. She had us pretend that each finger was a principle. Then she said which ones do we do continually and which ones are only one time. Well baptism and the Holy Ghost you can only do the ordinance one time right? so cross those off. so if you are holding your hand up and you put down your 3rd and 4th finger (baptism and holy ghost) then you make the I love you sign in sign language--cool huh? So as we continue to have faith, repent daily, and endure to the end, we show our heavenly father how much we love him.
Other than that things are good, be expecting a letter this week :) I love you and hope you had fun in NY :)
Sister Adorable
Monday, January 14, 2013
Serving in Siberia
Hola Familia!
Yes I received all of your letters last week. Theyve been sent to my old address but other sisters i know live there so i still get my mail. My current address is 3167 S Dorie Street (bottom) SLC UT 84106. I didnt have time to write yall back last week cause i was super sick. Yeah mom and dad if you could send me some more catalyn/thymex/whatever else thatd be great. I was sorry to hear that dad was so sick, hope hes better.
Well this week has been freezing!! it hasnt been this cold in a while. It doesnt matter how many layers you wear, youre still going to be cold. I think last night it got down to -4 degrees outside. The high was 13 haha. So i think thats why i got sick but im better now. On friday we werent allowed to use the mission cars so we stayed home. It was so weird staying home all day. It feels like youre just wasting time haha but its all good
So mom bad news. Remember how the dentist told me that i wouldnt need to get my wisdom teeth out?? Well i think he was wrong. Im pretty sure that they are growing in and NEED to come out. I talked to sister winn about that and she said that i DONT need to go home for that (i was kind of worried but so relieved when she said that) and that i just need to talk to you about what your preference on dentist would be over here so i can get it done here. So I dont know if you could research a person who could pull those for me out here. That would be great! For now its been giving me headaches so ive been taking ibuprofen but just let me know what you think.
Also random but can you send me the recipe for lumpia in the mail this week? Ive been super craving it and some of the other missionaries in my zone asked if i could make some haha. :)
This week has been good. Remember Ernesto who got baptized 2 weeks ago? Well we started teaching his aunt and 2 cousins and they all want to be baptized. So right now they are on date for Jan 26 :) Also last night for dinner we ate with some lady who speaks spanish but doesnt go to our branch. Her nephew came too. Hes a RM and the lady was clearly trying to set Sister Harris up with him haha super awkward. But she was really nice and wants to do missionary work. She says that she teaches english classes and usually charges a lot but that she is willing to have our investigators come for free! She also wants us to teach her neighbor family so thats really exciting. Yesterday at church we had 5 people come (Kimberly, Aileen, Yolanda, Roberto, and Giovanni). We were so excited! Kimberly is the little sister of one of the members in our ward. She really likes coming to church and wants to learn more so were going over to her sisters house tonight to have a lesson with her. Aileen is a friend of one of the members. Shes 12 and loves church and mutual. She even participated in Young Women in Excellence program a few weeks ago and gave a really good talk on integrity. We are just waiting for written parent permission so we can officially start teaching her the lessons. Yolanda and her two sons are the ones who are getting ready to be baptized! They are so great and loved church yesterday! Yolanda has a little 2 year old son (Angel) and he is so cute! Hes chubby and little but he has a man voice, he loved church too!
Other than that things are good. Its supposed to be FREEZING this week and then we are supposed to get another huge snow storm the week after. AHH but we have the nicest neighbors. This guy Joe has been cleaning our car everyday and he helped us dig our car out when it got stuck on Friday :) Anyway thats about all for now. hope you have an amazing week!! Love you!
Hermana Adorable
Ernesto's Baptism
Noemi and bryans baptism :)
New Years Eve Mission Party with Sister Ray
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