Monday, April 29, 2013
Prepared People, Dates, Black Heels and Transfers
This past week was really good. We were blessed and found 6 new people to teach in our area! So excited about that. We were walking down the street on Friday and saw 3 little kids sitting outside so we went and talked with them. They had a hard time responding to us so i asked them if they spoke a different language, they said yes..spanish! So we started chatting with them in spanish and asked them if their mom was home. They took us right to the front door and brought their mom out to talk to us. We taught her a little bit and then asked her when we could come back and teach her more. We set up an appointment for wednesday. We invited her to be baptized and she said that she has actually had a lot of doubts about the Catholic church. She is so prepared! Her names Lorena. We asked her kids what their names and ages were. Alma's 11 :) Christians 8 :) and Ruby is 3 :) I am so excited to be teaching them.
Remember that miracle baptism that we had last week? Emanuel? Well heres a funny story for you. First off, i never really talked to him that much because he wouldnt listen to anything i said ha buut anyway. He ended up asking me on a date last week...awkward ha. I said no of course but tried to do so tactfully. Then we went over on thursday to try and get his size for a white shirt. While we were there he randomly started talking about shoe sizes. Then he asked me what shoe size i was so i told him. Then he went into his room and brought out these black high heels. (not my style). Then he said that he had bought them for his aunt for christmas but that they didnt fit her so he thought to give them to me. I tried to leave them but he insisted so i took them and figured that i could just give them to an investigator or something like that. Later that night. He calls me and said you know how i told you i got those shoes for my aunt...well i didnt i got them for you. So awkward haha. Then he somehow found out that im being transferred and was super upset about it. It was just weird haha.
This week we have a baptism on Sunday! So excited for that. She was scheduled for tomorrow but her grandson has a bday party at chuck e cheese so they changed it yesterday. She is so cute and really prepared! Ill send pictures next week.
I heard that im being transferred for sure. I saw it coming because ive been here for a while. I sang at sacrament meeting yesterday and then they had me bear my testimony. i cried a lot ha but i love this branch so much. Its crazy to think that may starts this week. Rumor has it that im going to Layton. Ill let you know for sure when i find out. If youre planning on sending me anything at the Dorie house, its gotta be this week. If its after then just send it to the mission office :)
MOTHERS DAY: sooo since i am being transferred, i have no idea where ill skype or if ill get to :( As soon as i get into that area, ill try to find a place to do it and ill let you know the details when i figure it out :)
Thats so excited that amanda is going into the MTC in a month! Thatll also be my year mark! Amanda will love it so much, the mission is the best! So much work but so rewarding and fun. I hope that you have a wonderful week! Love you and miss you all! (Ill send pictures next week)
Sister Adorable
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Conference Weekend!
Hola Familia!
Thanks so much for the birthday package! I loved it, i really like the skirt and dress that you sent me. Haha no worries, they fit. I actually havent gained weight miraculously. The shoes fit, thanks!
I was so excited to hear about Naoko! Thats so exciting that she is getting baptized on May 11. It was a cool story to read. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you are going to be traveling quite a bit mom, suerte. Wish that i could be there when amanda goes through the temple! But I did get permission to go to lunch with her and see her this weekend at conference :) Sooo excited!
Tash will have fun at mormon prom im sure. Thats exciting that christians going to korea! I get so excited when i hear about peoples mission calls. wow, the taylors are moving?
Things are going well. This past week was actually really good. We really felt like Heavenly Father was guiding us a lot. On Wednesday we went and tried to visit a family in our branch that i didnt know. We stopped at their address but it was a fourplex and we didnt have an apartment number for this family so we knocked on them all. We found this lady, Xochil and she was really nice. She and her family are going to an english ward but she doesnt speak english so were going to try and see if we can get her to come with us to the spanish branch. She has a daughter whos friends with a less active girl that weve been trying to find for weeks (Jummey). So when we visited her we found out that Jummeys living with them now. We also found out the Jummey is pregnant so that was super sad for us but we will keep working with her to try to get her to come back to church. BUT the really cool thing was that on the way back to the car (we parked in a random neighborhood) this guy was unloading some things from his car. When he saw us he yelled over and said, "Hey SISTERS!" So we went over and talked to him. He was so excited to see us. Well he had just come back from dropping his daughter off at the MTC. He and his wife invited us in and we could tell that it was super comforting for them to be chatting with some sisters. We asked them how they were doing and they both just started crying. It was cute because they have a daughter serving in Poland and the one that they just dropped off is going to Armenia and it just made me think about you and dad when amanda leaves and youll have 2 missionaries out too. it was cool though because we knew that we had been sent there to comfort them a little bit. Also before we left they gave us a name of a family that we could visit :)
Were still working with the Cuenca Family. We found them a few weeks ago and found out that they were going to the Millcreek ward but they are in our Branch boundaries. We invited them to come to church on Sunday and they said that they would try out sacrament meeting in our branch and see how they feel. They came! Another cool thing about having my birthday on sunday was that we got a ton of people to come to church! :)
Sunday was really fun. I love this area and the people in the branch. I felt super loved and they took good care of me. I ate sooooo much food yesterday. really, its a miracle i could walk today ha. (Enchiladas, cuban food, talapia and vegetables, cake cake cake) It was a really good week. This upcoming week we are just preparing everyone for conference! I love this time of the year! We have at least one investigator coming with us to every session so thatll be great! Im also so excited that i get to see amanda and spend some time with her between sessions.
I hope you got my letter that i sent you last week mom, about the eye exam? anyway I have to go in next monday to do it. Hope that you have a great week and enjoy conference! Love you and miss you!
SIster Adorable

A Week Full of Miracles
This week was full of miracles! The Lord is really blessing us for our hard work. REmember how we are teaching a guy named Libio? Well remember how he had that nephew Manuel who really didnt want anything to do with us? Welll people change. He never wanted to take the lessons or anything but he always wanted to come with us to church and conference and everything. Welll we went over on Thursday just to visit him and after we left he ran out after us and said, "Sisters, Sisters!! Can i get baptized after i come to church one more time?" IT was soooo cool!! Best experience to have someone come to you and ask to get baptized! We hope that his baptism will happen this weekend!
On Thursday Mery had her baptismal interview. She passed and is ready to get baptized. She said that she had been praying really hard and knows that she is supposed to get baptized on April 30. Its a tuesday but well make it happen :) We took her to Temple Square on Saturday and it was one of the most amazing lessons ive ever had there. She cried the entire time and really could feel the spirit and recognize it there. We are so excited for her.
Thats about all for this week. Love you all and hope that you have a good week!
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